
Licensed Electrician Certification with full support

Ensure your electrical installation is certified with the ElectricianPass service and leave the rest to us.

  • Supervision of the procedure by PPC
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Certified partners
  • Payment in full or in installments
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PPC oversees each stage of the process
House inspection by certified partners
Flexible payment plan in full or in installments
Appointment scheduling according to your availability

Ensure the certification of your property's electrical installation with PPC service ElectricianPass easily and without any charge in time or procedures. Contact us, and we will handle the entire process for you.

The autopsy is performed by qualified personnel with a scheduled appointment depending on your availability. The service is available to residential or professional PPC customers for properties with single or three-phase supplies up to 35 kVA.

The service is priced uniformly for all qualified supplies, and payment is made in one-off payment with a 10% discount or in installments through the electricity bill over one year.

What is the LEC (Licensed Electrician Certification)?

The LEC (Licensed Electrician Certification) is a document that certifies that each electrical installation in a property is acceptable and safe for use. It must be provided for each property. Every house or company requires a Licensed Electrician Certification, which can be issued by qualified electricians, mechanical engineers, and electrical installers. The LEC document must be submitted to HEDNO.

When is LEC mandatory?

An initial inspection, monthly re-inspection, and special inspections are required to ensure the Indoor Electrical Installations operate properly. Those inspections are conducted in line with the requirements of the legislation, and the LEC for the indoor electrical installation is prepared. Inspections and the granting of the LEC are required in the following situations:

  • Initial electrification
  • Change of category or use
  • Change of occupants in business and recreational establishments
  • A modification to the electrical installation
  • In the event of a grave accident involving the electrical installation
  • Natural events that cause damage to the indoor installation
  • Reconnection of the supply after a power outage
  • In case of an inspection by a competent authority
  • The maximum period applicable to each kind of property has elapsed


In case of first electrification or reconnection, during his visit to the customer's premises, the certified technician will issue a temporary LEC (not finalized) following the relevant legislation. After HEDNO has electrified the property, a further visit is required within 45 days to issue the final (finalized) LEC. The cost of service is applied separately to the provisional and final LEC.

Frequency of re-inspection of the electrical installation

The intervals at which the LEC must be renewed are determined by the property's type. More specifically:

  • Residential and similar premises: 10 years
  • Commercial/professional premises: 5 years
  • Public and ecreational establishments, as well as outdoor business electrical systems: 2 years

The categories of each property are presented in Annex II of the Official Gazette (in Greek).

How do I check if my LEC is valid?

The Consumer may be informed of the expiry date of the LEC in the following ways:

  • The form of the LEC supplied to the consumer by the person in charge of writing up the certificate
  • Call the HEDNO's call center at 800-400-4000
  • Using the HEDNO's online platform, click on the following link: LEC check (in Greek)

Procedure steps

  1. After ordering the service, an authorized PPC partner will contact you within 24 hours to schedule a visit by the contractor's technician.
  2. The contractor's specialist will come to your home and take measurements with approved test gear to evaluate your electrical installation.
  3. If the technician determines the required parameters are met, he will issue the LEC and submit it to HEDNO. If any flaws or faults are discovered, you will be notified so that you can have them repaired before the certificate is issued. The expert will not perform any repair work as part of the service but will walk you through the process until it is complete.
  4. PPC will oversee the procedure from start to finish, including certificate issuance and submission.
  5. The service cost will be charged on the first electricity bill after HEDNO approves the certificate. Payment can be made either as a lump sum or in installments through the electricity bill over one year.
Final retail price (€)

Choose a one-off payment and receive a -10% discount!

The price includes VAT 24%.
Payment can be made in installments of only one LEC within the same year.

Useful documents
Do you need a LEC for your home?

Get your residence's electrical installations certified.

Get in touch

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