A variable rate home electricity product with a 12-month contract term, no early exit clause, flat-rate energy billing, and favorable rates for increased consumption and customers with or without a night meter.
A standard billing price is applied around the clock, the amount of which is determined by the cost in the energy market (Market Clearing Price) throughout the consumption period.
The product is not commercially available for new contracts beginning 01.01.2024; it is exclusively the product to which all fixed-rate products transition once the contract expires.
MCP equivalent to the arithmetic average of the Day-Ahead Market Data for the period t (where t is the bill's consumption period), as published on the Hellenic Energy Exchange's website, expressed in €/kWh.
From 01.01.2024, your supply charge will be based on the monthly fixed fee and the energy charge, which will be dependent on the cost in the energy market (Market Clearing Price) throughout the consumption period.
PPC, in the interest of transparency and clear charges, will indicate these costs separately on your bill.
Learn more here.
Discover our add-on services and enjoy multiple benefits!
Your home energy supply becomes sustainable easily and quickly.
Green energy is the future. The new GreenPass add-on service by PPC guarantees that the equivalent amount of energy you consume is generated and reserved from renewable sources.
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